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P. 31
Guidance for Kids
Bullying happens when someone hurts someone else on purpose.
Bullying can affect anyone, anytime or place.
ALL bullying is wrong!!
Other People's Feelings
It's not nice to make other people feel bad,
just the same way we don't want someone to make us feel bad.
DO: Play nicely, treat others nicely, share, compliment, make others happy.
DON'T: Hurt other kids, call names, whisper, tease, hit/kick/pinch, hurt others feelings, or ignore
others by not asking them to join in activities.
We're all the Same, in that, We're all Different!
Just because someone is different doesn't mean that they are better or worse than the rest of us –
it's differences that make us more interesting!
We all have special talents, all of us, and no one should be picked on because they seem different
or not as good at something, or because they have special needs. And, remember also, we're all
the same in that no one wants to be hurt, no one wants to feel bad, left out, or picked on.
Support Your Friends
If a child in your school is being bullied, tell someone, a friend, parent, or teacher. And be nice to
them, make sure you and your friends support them and they feel welcome.
Set an example, don't hurt others, be kind to others.
Don't support a bully or anyone who hurts others, make it clear to them it's NOT okay.
Being Bullied
Bullies are looking for your response; whenever you can, ignore the bully:
– walk away, don't say anything, don't let them get to you.
Find other friends: Remember, you're perfect the way you are, and there are always plenty of
good people that will accept and love you, just as you are.
Tell a friend, teacher, or parent straight away, don't be afraid, because bullying is wrong, no matter
what, and must be stopped.
Being a Bully
Sometimes we feel hurt by others, or we may feel not as good as someone else, and this makes us
want to hurt someone else to make us feel better. This is the worst thing that we can do to
ourselves and for those around us.
Making others feel bad is not a way to make ourselves look better or feel better.
Hurting someone because we are being hurt is equally wrong, if we're being hurt by someone we
need to tell someone about it.
Finding a friend and someone to support us the way we are is the best way to feel better about
ourselves, and the best way to find a friend is to be a friend!