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Free Kids Books Advice on Bullying

         DON'T BE A BULLY

Kids that bully hurt other kids on purpose.
                Bullying is very bad.

                              Bullying can hurt people with:

✗ Words, teasing, calling them names, saying unkind things about them;
 ✗ Or by actions, hitting, pushing, kicking, pinching, throwing objects;

      ✗ Or by ignoring them and leaving them out of activities.



Dos and Don'ts

         Do be nice                   Don't hurt

         What Cool Kids Do             What Cool Kids Don't
●Cool Kids are nice to others      ●Cool Kids don't bully!
                                ●Cool Kids don't hurt other
  by caring, sharing, helping,
    and putting others first;           kids on purpose;
                                   ●Cool Kids don't judge
●Cool kids support all types
of kids no matter what their                     others;
                                ●Cool kids don't let others
    differences or abilities;
●Cool kids think about other          bully or be bullied;
                                ●Cool kids aren't mean to
          people's feelings;
●Cool kids support kids who                       others.

          are being bullied.

                                 Make the bullying pledge:
“I promise never to bully or be with someone who bullies others. If I see

  someone being bullied, I will help them by telling an adult. I promise
 never to hit, push, or say unkind words to hurt someone on purpose.”

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